MMA vs Boxing

Notably Connor Mcgregor

The Boxing vs MMA debate  is ongoing in regards to which sport offers more excitement, and in even in some cases I have heard the debate about which sport is a more difficult sport to participate in.  Boxing is a sport that has been around since antiquity . It has become more familiar to what we know it is today during the 20th century.

Boxing used to be very popular back than rivaling to what the popularity of the NFL is today. In this sport the two athletes are limited to attacking each other with their fists over 4,8, 10, and 12 rounds depending on the level of the fight. The training that goes into boxing requires an athlete to have endurance, athleticism , speed, power, and a strong mind.

MMA is the new combat sport that everybody is flocking to view. MMA started to become mainstream in the 1990’s when the UFC bought it and  started hosting UFC fights then. The company has since has taken off and is currently going to be picked up by ESPN.  This sport requires an athlete to engage an opponent using all of their limbs which truly simulates a real fight. In this sport it highly recommended that a athlete have some grappling experience due to the fact that when a fight gets to close proximity there will usually be grappling involved.

When comparing the two sports, both sports require dedicated training, a big heart , athleticism and too many attributes to name. The obvious fact is that you could not take a boxer and put him in a mma fight expect them to win but you could put a mma fighter in a boxing ring and they would have more success than the boxer would have in mma. Also due to the fact that in boxing you are only using your fists; you are more likely to sustain punches to the head resulting in the chance of sustaining brain damage.

1 comment

  1. In my opinion they are 2 different sports where once requires the participant to be a specialist in using the fists while the other requires the participant to be versed multiple martial arts.

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